Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lesbians Need Not Apply…

I have to agree with Valenti, when she says, “In one of the cruelest moves ever, the anti-sex, anti-gay crowd is trying to keep anyone who isn’t straight or married from being parents.” Obviously some things have changed since she wrote the book. We know have a pop-culture figure, “Octo-Mom” who is an unmarried woman that had six children she couldn’t handle in the first place and then through fertility procedures, had 8 more. Really??? Give me a f-ing break. What in the hell was the doctor and her thinking? It’s hard for me to believe that she didn’t do it for the fame and money. Granted not all unmarried women out there are trying to have multiple children at one time, but they should be able to bear children if they want too. My only suggestion would be to do a financial check on those unmarried woman that are wanted to raise a child on their own. It does seem common in our society there is a plethora of unfit mothers that are popping out kids, like they were a Pix dispenser. When there are thousands of fit unmarried women and married couples that struggle to have kids and can’t afford fertility procedures. As far as homosexual couples go, they are just as capable to raise a good kid that a heterosexual couple is. If anything, being raised in a homosexual environment would open the eyes of the child to be more understanding and accepting of other people.        

1 comment:

  1. Hi Junior,

    You bring up some very interesting issues that your classmates did not. I don't know if a financial check would ever be possible. I don't know of Octo-Mom's finances, but as I understand it, fertility drugs are not cheap. Who knows?

    I think that one day homosexual couples will have the same rights as heterosexual couples, but who knows when that day will come? I don't know if we will live to see that day.

    Ms. C
